
Sorry for the late poll results.  I was wracked with mucus and that I imagine is more than you’re interested in knowing.  We had a tie for the genre between Sci-fi and Romantic comedy.  So this week there will be a tiebreaker vote on the genre plus a vote on the sub-genre.  Plus you can give ideas for the title of the novel.  Keep it short and sweet with a slight sense of apathy.  The suggestions shall be used for next weeks vote.

Genre Tie Breaker

Sub-Genre if Sci-fi

Sub Genre if Rom Com


Just comment below with your answer to these and your suggestion for a Title.


  1. Sci-Fi alternate history with a pinch of humor.

  2. Sci-Fi Alternate History with plenty of crossovers from other series. Note: doesn't necessarily have to be from Science Fiction.

    Suggested Title: We Can Alter Your History for You Wholesale

    if Rom-Com wins: EFFA
