The Proof of Awesome
I fell in love with In-N-Out Burger from the first and only time I had been there. I cannot wait for this one to open up and start being delicious. It was meant to be as far as I’m concerned.
In other news I have been struggling somewhat with the writing for this week. At first it was due to the utter inability for my writing style to match with the writing style of my partner in crime. We have come to a solution to this. I’ll write it first then he’ll give notes and we’ll also get notes from a trusted source. And then we rewrite it. This sounds awesome and easy right?
The trick is that I have to get it written you see. It won’t work any other way. This is great because I can fall back on my writing style then again I have to get it done. Who knows maybe I’ll manage it with the pressure of someone bearing down on me. It could definitely help.
Well back to writing.
Later Days,
In-N-Out eh? It takes so little to please you but really, it doesn't hold a candle to What-a-burger!