
My Life As It Should Have Been Ch 1.4 The Rangers

The Rangers were one of the toughest gangs around the center.  They typically hung out around the Muchos Sucrose.  It was a little cantina in the middle of the Lego projects.  Whenever they got their sugar (and they always did.) there wasn't a single building there that stayed together.  The poor kids tried to defend their homes but it was no use.  Not against the Rangers.  They had power.  They were two's in the deck of life, and it didn't matter what game you were playing Two's were always wild.

I was making my usual rounds.  At least three of them, right there at the Ball and Cup.  It was another dive but this one was in the middle of cootie central, not far from the hospital.  I typically indulged myself with Hawaiian Punch.  I preferred my sugar to have flavor unlike that Kool-Aid Rochelle kept knocking back.  What?  Don't tell me you thought I was straight laced?  I assure you I'm not.  I can also tell you though that any one who doesn't partake of the wite wonder in this town is singled out, and quick.

I was sitting there in my usual place at the Cup and Ball sure it was a little upper class (or at least what passes for upper class in this pit) for my taste but it was in undisputed territory.  That's actually probably the only reason anyone came here.  The gangs never touched the hospital area.  Partially out of kindness and partially out of fear of catching the cooties.  That made it a prime location for the plying of ones trade as a private detective.  It was a typical day.  Nothing out of the ordinary it was actually almost peaceful.  Then every kid got quiet.  I swiveled around in my chair and took a long draught from my sippy cup and saw to my dismay that my sleepy little dive had just woken up.

There was Blue.  He wasn't terribly high up in the Rangers hierarchy but he was not your typical messenger.  He was tall for his age and he was seven and a half going on seven and three quarters.  Not that he knew that.  He was not the brightest despite the Ranger that provided his namesake.  He'd gotten the color because he wore glasses.  That was where the similarity ends.  He lumbered up towards me with a purpose.  The other patrons quickly vanished the moment they could.  Even the Bartender.

"You there.  Detective."  Blue was also not terribly original in his salutations.

"What do you want Blue?"  I gave him an expertly crafted brush off tone accompanied by an equally exquisite brush off maneuver turning back to face the bar.

"Red would like to talk to you."  His persistence would be admirable if it weren't stemming from the inability to know better.

"Well I got no need to talk to him so he'll have to make an appointment."  I lifted my sippy cup as I said this.  "I'm  a little full up with cases at the moment."

"Alright he just thought you might want a chance to help little Zachariah out."  I froze.  "He said you two were real friends."

My Life as it SHould Have Been Ch 1.5 Red

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