
A Tale of Horror and Tropes

Hey guys.  I thought I would go ahead and show up with an update on my whereabouts which have finally changed drastically for the first time in quite a long while.  I made a rather harrowing journey down further south than I already was.

It all started when I got a call from my friend Zanatoto with an offer to go down to Groveton for a week and earn a little pocket cash as well as work on actually getting a script we’re working on together finished and hopefully off the ground.  I thought ‘a chance to hang out with my friend and further my career and make a little money?  Naw.  I have a lot of lounging about the house to accomplish.’  But he was insistent and thus I jumped into his car the moment he showed up, and we were off!  Right after our ‘quick’ stopby Movie Trading Co. to see if we couldn’t pick out a few choice games of a questionable quality.  We succeeded.  He got 3 Ninjas Kick Back, some Mickey Mouse game about a circus, and Radical Rex.  Radical Rex is a game where you play a fire breathing T-Rex who gets to skateboard every now and then.

Then I got a call.  I was then reminded that I had in fact forgotten to give the keys to the Blue Goose back to my family.  So we made a quick turn around to give the keys back.  But then.  Then we were off!  Off on our journey to the south.  To the wonders of Groveton.  Right after we stopped for gas.  But then, then we would be off.  And so it was that we departed this place for one of a more promising time.  We began to discuss at length all the things which would bring our characters to life in this movie.  We spoke of backstory and how the Satanic Cult should be imaged after Jehovah’s Witnesses (apologies to Satanists everywhere.) and how exactly we could get a protagonist to be likable and at the same time providing a proper instruction video for pedosexuals everywhere.  (After all we are hoping to use Amazon for distribution)

That’s when we realized that we had missed our exit.  We were heading deeper into Dallas and possibly out of Dallas.  But we were then trying to ascertain what references if any that we could/should make to anime in our film.  So we called up a couple of our friends  The Duelist and Caius.  We figured we’d have to call them separately in order to talk to both of them but they were together seeing as they read our minds and were naturally eager to do our bidding.  We were given countless different Anime tropes to use some of which we knew about and some of which we recognized after they were mentioned.  And there were those that I still don’t understand.

But miraculously after having been lost for some time in the maze of Dallas Texas we made our way to southbound 45 and we were truly on our way this time.  It all went smoothly.  Like a glass of curdled milk.  Zanatoto and I both smoke so we were able to smoke in his car the whole way down.  I believed this to be a wonderful thing and I enjoyed this opportunity.

But not for long.  It seemed as though every single time I went to put out my cigarette something went horribly awry with the seemingly simple prospect.  In one case the cigarette (still burning mind you) got thrown by the wind all the way into the back seat.  I was scrambling to find it before anything bad happened.  And of course it had rolled to the very back.  I used all of my concentration and effort to stretch far enough to reach it.  I succeeded.  I almost burned my fingers off.  But I succeeded.  Then there was the time when the cherry of the cigarette was knocked out and onto my neck.  Thankfully after a quick yelp it was gone.  Right into my seat.  I managed to put it out by way of smashing it out with my cup.  Genius!  You surely must say.  I tell you though that it was not.  My cup was made of Styrofoam.  I realized this after it was too late.  Thankfully though it did not manage to burn all the way through.

Then as if my failures with the disposal of my cancer stick refuse were not enough we wound up next to a truck that was just staying right next to us.  Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal but he was right about in the blindspot so Zanatoto sped up to alleviate this problem.  The truck sped up and matched us.  Things were now starting to look a little less like an unfortunate circumstance and more like a bad horror film.  Mind you we are in the middle of East Texas now and we are surrounded by trees.  There are precious few other vehicles about.  That’s when we realized that one of them might not be too precious after all.  Zanatoto went to slow down but there was another vehicle right behind us not letting us do so.  And what little deceleration we did manage was matched by the truck.  I do believe that banjos began to play inside my head.  Thankfully Zanatoto managed to put on a massive burst of speed and get in front of the Truck before he could even consider matching it.  Shortly there after both vehicles in question passed taking my banjo track with them.

That was not to be the end of our perils of the night though.  Oh no.  Our journey had just begun.  Well alright fine it was almost over but seriously that does not fit with the proper foreboding that I wanted right there.  The next peril though was more dire still.  As we drove along we came upon a trailer.  I say a trailer not in the sense of one you might find in a trailer park but rather one that you attach to your truck and fill with many assorted things that must absolutely all be moved at the same time.  Now you say why would you not specify that you saw a truck with a trailer attached to it?  The reason for that is simple.  We couldn’t see it.

The trailer being dragged rather woefully behind it was so loaded down with boxes and assorted crap that it was impossible to see what it was that was pulling it.  What we could see though was that it was weaving in and out of the lanes.  I don’t get the feeling that it was in a good natured ‘I pay taxes on both sides of the road so I’ll use em as I please’ sort of weave.  No this was definitively a ‘Not a drop ociffer’ kind of way.  It took us many moments of debating and bracing ourselves before we could manage to pass him on what we determined to be his outbound weaves.  Luckily Zanatoto plays a lot of plat forming games so we made it by unscathed.

Which reminds me.  I will be guest starring on several of Zanatoto’s Let’s Play videos on YouTube.  We’ve already filmed one and I will provide a link for it whenever it gets uploaded.  But for now that is all.  I’d like to give a great big thanks to all the people who contributed to our adventure.  Caius, and The Duelist, but not the stalker trucks nor the cocktail trailer.  Until next time,  Later Days.

UPDATE:  The first installment in the series of ZeNatoto's Let's Play series has been uploaded.  It's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.  Check it out.  Let's Play!

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